
Hernia repair involves a surgical correction of a hernia - a bulging of internal organs or tissues through the wall that contains it.
Here are the hernia procedures Dr Jorgensen commonly performs:
Laparoscopic Hiatal Hernia Repair
- This procedure is for patients where a significant portion of the stomach has herniated into the chest, causing obstructive symptoms such as difficulty in swallowing, early satiety, pain and vomiting or shortness of breath.
- The procedure is done laparoscopically and has a 2-3 day post-operative stay.
- Full recovery takes up to 4 weeks.
Inguinal Hernia
- Inguinal or groin hernias cause bulges along the groin area that may appear to get bigger when you stand up or cough, or may be sensitive to touch.
- Fullness in the groin, sharp pain or pain when exercising, coughing or bending over may be other symptoms.
- They are best repaired with a laparoscopic approach as this results in a rapid recovery.
- Occasionally, open surgery is indicated if previous pelvic surgery has been performed.
- Prosthetic mesh is used for laparoscopic or open repair.
Umbilical/Incisional Hernia
- Smaller (< 5cm) hernias are best approached laparoscopically if possible.
- Larger hernias require open surgery.
- Prosthetic mesh is used with laparoscopic or open repairs.